Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Behavior Learning Theory integrated with Technology

Incorporating technology into classroom instruction is imperative for students in today's classrooms. One of the biggest obstacles is creating a learning environment that embraces theories on how to reach students and create meaningful connections and incorporating technology into these learning theories. The behaviorist learning theory is present in classrooms today. The basic principle of the behaviorist theory is to use reinforcements and consequences to modify the behavior of a person/student. Our school uses Marzano's Nine throughout everything we do. I actually took part in a leadership conference that went into detail about effort and achievement. By using Marzano's effort and achievement rubrics, we are in turn using behaviorist theories. The concept of becoming self-motivated is using an internal reward structure.

In addition, students can develop these behaviors/skills by using a vast amount of technology. Programs such as Study Island, Waterford and Read About can be used to track and monitor student progress. In addition, programs such as ThinkCentral learning and BrainPop can provide the tutorials that students need to succeed.

Pitler, H., Hubbell, E., Kuhn, M., & Malenoski, K. (2007). Using Technology with Classroom Instruction
that Works. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.


KJ said...


I love the idea of providing a rubric to students for effort and achievement. This allows the students to see what they need to do in order to be successful and it can help them to understand that it is in their control. I do not think a lot of students understand what a large part effort can play in the classroom.

I have many students who are self-motivated, but the majority of them are not. Do you find that this type of system helps the students with intrinsic motivation?


Hayley D said...


I am on the leadership team for our school district. We recently received extensive training on Marzano's Nine and our school created a "Pride Points" system that helps motivate students by using a rating rubric to set goals and track their progress. I do believe that it has had an impact on providing students with a way to intrinsically motivate themselves. It is almost as though you have to teach children to be proud of themselves without getting a reward. However, for major assessments, our school has field days when our "pride points" goal is met. So, there are some extrinsic factors to this system. I am working on presenting a more technologically advanced system to the leadership team at our next meeting.


KJ said...


I feel that it is almost impossible to avoid some form of extrinsic motivation. It is nice that it can be limited with the system you have implemented in your school.


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