Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Progress towards the GAME plan

Analyzing my GAME plan is an essential part of completing the goal successfully. My GAME plan consists of these two goals:

G: My goal is to use collaborative, technology enriched open-ended projects for at least 80% of my instructional time.
A: I have researched various projects and experiments for the 1st quarter and incorporated them into my lesson plans for the 9 weeks.
M: I plan to monitor these various projects and how often I use them in my classroom using my online lesson plans.
E: As these lessons take place, I will be evaluating and extending using SMART goals that track the progress of the students and mastery level of concepts.

G: Attending at least 2 weeks of online or in person classes per year
A: Seek out and sign up for training's throughout the year. In addition, complete the course work with Walden and maintain my technology blog.
M: I will keep track of my training's through Eduphoria's Workshop function.
E: I will evaluate each course on a 1-on-1 basis and discuss with my colleagues the information learned. I will incorporated the strategies into my classroom and determine the success of implementing them.

In reference to my first goal, I have been overwhelmed with resources for a collaborative and technology enriched classroom; however, it has been difficult finding the time to adequately plan the lessons. Our administration requires us to attend so many meetings and therefore our planning time is reduced. A more reasonable goal might be to have collaborative, technology-enriched project-based instruction 70% of the time. I have learned that there are a variety of technology-enriched ideas available via the web. In addition, I recently attended a training that showed us how to use the Keynotes program to create our own storybooks for children to listen and read on the laptops. This is a great way to get children involved with technology in reading; however, it takes a lot of time to create a digital storybook with audio. I would eventually like the kids to create digital storybooks themselves.

In reference to my second goal, during the school year it is quite difficult to attend trainings in person. However, our district offers many online courses via the Workshop function on Eduphoria. I have registered for 2 classes, and even though they are self-paced, the school year has been a little too crazy to begin them yet. The great thing about online classes is that I can do them at home when my children have gone to bed. I do believe that this goal is more attainable than the first, but I plan to continue trying my hardest at achieving both successfully.



Beau Garrett said...


You seem to be doing well with your goals. Keep working and I am sure will have no problem achieving them. I totally understand the limited planning. The schools want us to come up with all of these wonderful ideas and lessons but keep us in meetings when we have any free time at school. I am so tired of having meetings just for the sake of having mettings.

Jonathan Garrett

Anonymous said...


Good job on keeping up with everything and finding ways to achieve your goals in unconventional forms. BTW, what's the keynotes program? Good luck with everything and balancing the hectic schedule with your progress. Keep up the great job!!!


Hayley D said...

Jonathan and Jessica,

Thanks for the kudos. I am most certainly trying to see the goals through. It is quite difficult. Jessica-Keynotes is Apple's version of Powerpoint. It has way more templates, options and animations though.


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