Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Utilizing the GAME plan

As an educator of 21st Century children, we must constantly be bettering our own education concerning new age technology and the latest educational approaches. Developing a GAME plan is essential for all teachers. My GAME plan has kept me focused on specific and relevant goals throughout this class. I plan to achieve my goals throughout the rest of the year and develop new plans as often as I can. Part of being an educator is being a life-long learner as well. If we are going to foster that in our children, we must hold true to it as individuals.

Current GAME plan:

G: My goal is to use collaborative, technology enriched open-ended projects for at least 80% of my instructional time.
A: I have researched various projects and experiments for the 1st quarter and incorporated them into my lesson plans for the 9 weeks.
M: I plan to monitor these various projects and how often I use them in my classroom using my online lesson plans.
E: As these lessons take place, I will be evaluating and extending using SMART goals that track the progress of the students and mastery level of concepts.

G: Attending at least 2 weeks of online or in person classes per year
A: Seek out and sign up for training's throughout the year. In addition, complete the course work with Walden and maintain my technology blog.
M: I will keep track of my training's through Eduphoria's Workshop function.
E: I will evaluate each course on a 1-on-1 basis and discuss with my colleagues the information learned. I will incorporated the strategies into my classroom and determine the success of implementing them.


Mr. Dellemann said...


The shortage of school funding does not seem to be hindering your ability to improve your technological abilities. I have never heard of Eduphoria but will look into it. Is it free? The chance to improve technological skills as a teacher is an opportunity I am constantly looking for. Thanks!

Your first goal is similar to mine, I want to use at least five new technologies into my classroom while you want to us technology enriched open-ended projects for at least 80% of your instructional time. The fact that you have found Eduphoria shows that you will accomplish your goals.

Great Job!

Beau Garrett said...


I also want to use new technologies in my classroom and I want to attend professional learning classes each year. You seem to be accomplishing your goals quite well. I have also found Euphoria and it is helpful. Learning these new technologies, passing onlong the information along to other teachers, and implementing them in our classrooms will help to transform our schools into schools that prepare our students for the 21st century workplace. Keep up the good work.

Jonathan Garrett

Anonymous said...


Congrats on your progress towards your goals and sticking with them!!! I think that it's great for us to understand how the GAME plan works and the results that we have from it (from the obvious to the emotional aspect of accomplishment and completion). I think that youw ill better be able to apply the GAME plan to your students now that you have had the experience of working with it. Good Luck with the rest of your goals and integrating your new knowledge into the classroom!!!


Hayley D said...


Thanks for the kudos. I really wish I was further ahead, but it is a continous process. Eduphoria is a program purchased by the district. It has lesson planning, workshops, PDAS, data tracking and many other features.


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