Wednesday, October 6, 2010

GAME plan reflections

G: My goal is to use collaborative, technology enriched open-ended projects for at least 80% of my instructional time.
A: I have researched various projects and experiments for the 1st quarter and incorporated them into my lesson plans for the 9 weeks.
M: I plan to monitor these various projects and how often I use them in my classroom using my online lesson plans.
E: As these lessons take place, I will be evaluating and extending using SMART goals that track the progress of the students and mastery level of concepts.

G: Attending at least 2 weeks of online or in person classes per year
A: Seek out and sign up for training's throughout the year. In addition, complete the course work with Walden and maintain my technology blog.
M: I will keep track of my training's through Eduphoria's Workshop function.
E: I will evaluate each course on a 1-on-1 basis and discuss with my colleagues the information learned. I will incorporated the strategies into my classroom and determine the success of implementing them.

As I reflect upon my GAME plan, I recognize that these goals are challenging yet attainable. The actions that I have taken towards achieving my goals have been effective thus far. In order to maximize planning for technology enriched/open-ended projects, I have attended Thinking Map training, as well as how to create a digital story book in Keynotes. This training actually benefits both GAME plan goals. I have learned how to incorporate thinking maps into my lessons, how to have students create thinking maps using powerpoint, word and keynotes and how to create a digital story book. In addition, I have attended a training to learn more about students with Emotional Disturbances. As I work towards the goal of getting in two weeks of professional development little by little, it becomes less overwhelming.


Douglas Gauld said...

You have set very focused goals and clearly elucidate how you will achieve them. I understand the difficulty you have been having with planning time. This year, my planning time was reduced by an hour per day as the administration added one preparation and one extra class to my schedule. In addition, they have increased the paperwork burden significantly (“What gets measured gets done!”) and foisted a Byzantine and poorly designed new gradebook program on us. Between this and Walden work, it is hard to find time to eat dinner. So I am trying to make sure that Walden assignments are directly applicable in my classroom. Regarding digital storybooks, what application are you using? I was planning on using VoiceThread for mine.
Regarding your second goal, I have taken some online technology training through our school, but have not yet used Eduphoria. I checked out the site, though, and it seems like PD is set up through the school system. We have been using Pearson for this. But I have found that the online classes we are taking through Walden are much more immediately relevant to my teaching than the often unfocused PD the system provides.

Beau Garrett said...


You seem to be doing well with your goals. How do you find time to work on your goals without driving yourself crazy? My goals are similar to yours and it seems like sometimes I am overwhelmed and short on time. Between all of these new things we are implementing and less planning time I feel like I have very little time to pursue these goals.

Jonathan Garrett

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